P_STMNT == invno return procedure detlopen * invcapt.CMNAME4.value = saletemp->prod_code return procedure packrecds return procedure deltd delete go top * lvoid = invcapt.detail.setfocus() return procedure browclose * pack return PROCEDURE editdetl && PBNAME7.ONCLICK *----------------------------------------------------------------- * NAME * ONCLICK - Event handler for PBNAME7 *------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTIO etfocus() RETURN PROCEDURE enter && ETNAME9.KEY *----------------------------------------------------------------- * NAME * KEY - Event handler for ETNAME9 *----------------------------------------------------------------- if event.keyvalue = 13 event.eventtype = 0 replace sub_code with cust_id,first_ref with invno,; second_ref with orderno,date with inv_date replace prod_code with invcapt.cmname4.value,; amount with invcapt.etname16.value * salepr1->sell_price,; act_code with salepr1->act_code,; stock_code with salepr1->stock_code,; cost with salepr1->cost,; cost_amount with qty * cost oldpos = recno() if .not. eof() skip endif * set filter to postn = recno() if postn = oldpos *** set filter to append blank replace sub_code with cust_id,first_ref with invno,; second_ref with orderno,date with inv_date,; prod_code with invcapt.cmname4.value,; act_code with salepr1->act_code,; stock_code with salepr1->stock_code,; cost with salepr1->cost set filter to first_ref = invno endif lvoid = invcapt.refresh() lvoid = invcapt.ETNAME16.setfocus() invcapt.FIRST_R002.value = invno invcapt.CMNAME2.value= cust_id invcapt.etname9.value = invcapt.etname16.value * ; salepr1->sell_price invcapt.key = "enterg" endif RETURN PROCEDURE enterg && ETNAME9.KEY *-------------------------------------------- descriptio DESCRIPTIO